» ISO 9001

ISO 9001 - Quality Management System

ISO 9001 certification increases the value of products and services, which in turn increases a company's competitiveness in the marketplace.

ISO 9001 specifies the requirements that a quality management system must meet to demonstrate an organisation's ability to provide products or services that meet the requirements of its customers, as well as applicable regulations. The adoption of a quality management system is a strategic risk prevention and management tool to satisfy customers, increase the value of services and products and improve business performance.

ISO 9001 certification is based on seven principles:

Customer focus
Active participation of people
Process approach
Evidence-based decision-making
Relationship management
Particular attention is paid to the management of internal and external relationships by assessing the contextual aspects of risks and opportunities.

An organisation that chooses to adopt a quality management system is able to differentiate itself from unqualified competitors and increase its visibility and competitiveness by ensuring that all functions are more result-oriented and customer-focused.